Manage freelancers

at scale, without

leaving Slack

Solopreneurs and fast-growing companies use to create, manage and complete
tasks directly in Slack.

Some of our happy customers

Completed in days, not weeks

We make freelance work easy by meeting your teams where they already work in Slack, and integrating seamlessly with all the tools you already know and love, including Asana, Figma, and Miro.

Expert Taskers QA your work from start to finish

We QA your freelancers work quality with an experienced Task leader to manage your projects from start to finish. Now anyone can open tasks with confidence so you can scale your organisation without slowing down.

Unlock more time for impactful work

Stop wasting time with bad freelancers. Hypertask sources the best talent for each job so you dont have to. We’ll manage the process from start to finish, do the QC and deliver your task ready to go.

Create visibility across your organisation

Avoid duplication and reduce unnecessary distractions by hiring freelancers from one location. You can assign roles and actions, provide work updates, and find an overview of all live work progress in your #hypertask channel.

Build stronger products and happier teams

Because HyperTask vets every tasker and runs quality control on each project, you can trust your task will be done right the first time, so you can build better products and more effective teams.

Save Time

No more time wasted finding the right talent for the job.

Due Dates

Get accurate due dates for each task.

Quality Work

All tasks are quality checked before delivery.


Our customers enjoy a simple and stress free process.

"HyperTask changed the game! They manage the task from start to finish, do the QC and deliver your task all in our slack channel."
William D.
"Have worked with HyperTask for all my web projects and they have always executed in a timely and professional manner. I would recommend them to anyone."
Jeremy M.
Founder Freedom Cash Home Buyers
"Excellent experience with HyperTask. They were responsive from beginning to end and also very skilled at web development."
Omar L.
Founder Easy Apply Jobs
"Great team - professional & direct. After choosing HyperTask to finish our web property I realized that this is the team for all your needs. Thanks again!"
Jeff C.
Founder Drunkmillionaire

Manage Freelancers end-to-end, all in one platform

Manage every stage of your freelance work through Founded by experienced founders who have hired hundreds of freelancers, we’ve poured decades of experience into our platform. We’ll guide you from the moment you
need a task through to delivery your approved work.

Collaborate seamlessly in one channel, connected to the right tools and people automatically. Assign clearly defined roles and we’ll guide you through the fix step by step.

Integrate with the tool you already know and love

We’re your freelance management hub, amplifying the value of your existing workspace by bringing outsourced work together in a single place.

Slack Beta Tester


Hear how HyperTask helps businesses like yours

HyperTask eliminates the headaches involved in managing freelancers online, making entrepreneurs’ lives easier and less stressful.